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What are the school hours?

How many students go to school at Northside?
What are the school mascot and school colors?
What language is taught in the World Language program at Northside?
Is there be an after-school program at Northside?
Is there be a Pre-K/Head Start program at Northside?
How can I get involved?
How can I reach the Northside staff?
How can I get involved in the PTA?
How do I receive Connect Ed calls and mailing information from NES?

What are the school hours?

The school hours at Northside are the same as other elementary schools in the district: 7:25 AM until 2:30 PM.
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How many students go to school at Northside?
Approximately 530 students in pre-K through 5th grade.
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What are the school mascot and school colors?
In March 2013, as part of the district-wide Student Visitation Day, Northside students gathered together at Carrboro High School for an assembly. At the end of this event students voted on a mascot to represent Northside. CLICK HERE for information on the results of this vote.
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What language is taught in the World Language program at Northside?
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Is there an after-school program at Northside?
Yes, the program is offered from 2:30 PM to 6:00 PM. For more information stop by the Community Schools Office at Lincoln Center or call 919-967-8211, ext. 28266
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Is there a Pre-K/Head Start program at Northside?
Yes, Pre-K/Head Start serves 3 and 4 year olds. For more information, call 919-918-2153 or stop by the Pre-K offices at 125 West Main Street, Suite 200 in Carrboro, NC (the top floor of the PTA Thrift Shop Building).
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How can I get involved?
There will be many opportunities for you to become involved at Northside, including being a part of the School Improvement Team and the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA). See the school's website and the Northside PTA Website for dates and times of upcoming PTA meetings.
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How can I reach the Northside staff?
Please use the Faculty & Staff Directory to locate contact information for all Northside staff.
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How can I get involved in the PTA?
See the school's website for the dates and times for upcoming PTA meetings. You may also check the Northside PTA Website for more information about how to become involved.
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How do I receive Connect Ed calls and mailing information from NES?
Register your student at Lincoln Center. If your student is already registered you can update you contact information (mailing address, phone, email) by contacting the NES Data Manager, Tameka Jones at 919-918-2220 ext. 26207 or at
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If you have additional questions that are not answered here, please email